A strong woman, and a woman of great confidence upon herself.
Deeply comfortable within her skin.
A sensitive tender woman. Creative, idealist.
A woman of challenges, of risk taken. A woman of passion, capable of trust on destiny.
A woman of vision, driven by the purpose of shared fulfilment in life.
A clairvoyant eagle’s fly over the prairies carrying the horizon.
A goddess of dance, able to play tricks with the mist of time.
A sweetie princess of light, a sunny being of blues.
A lady of impenetrable moonlight dust memories.
A blessing melody of oversteps learning.
The embodiment of a noblesse truth.
A never-ending inspirational blooming chest.
A flow of vibrating inner energy.
A continuous irradiating joy for lives.
A wild force of nature.
A freedom giver unchainable being.
A moving gift of serenity.
A smooth glide of a seagull bringing the salt freshness of the sea.
A solid rock, a flower, a poem, a wave, a storm, a fire, a thunderbolt of imperishable happiness.
A glimpse of heaven, the ineffable presence of being.
A woman of smile, of shinning face, of brightening eyes, of sensual lips, of incensed breast.
A gorgeous sexy mother of unconfessed loves.
An astonish woman of amazements, able of the unexpected.
A mysterious craziness blending of senses.
A ravishing stop of time in a dazzling ecstasy.
Such is the woman that inhabits my flesh.
For that woman I will conquer the stars.
I will reforest the planet.
I will drink the ocean.
I sweat her breath trough all my skin.
I feel her so deep on my bones that I have to shout out loud that other unspoken part of me.
To spread out this flood of charming reborn and to mirror every hour this renaissance of life.
My lady is the living soul on me.
I close my eyes, I feel her bubble creative strength: space is gone, time is out.
There is no shape, no shadow on the road, just my lady on me.
The entire universe is here and … what is not here, is no where else.
R L (21/11/2001)
Agradeço ao autor o envio do texto original e peço desculpa pelos erros na anterior postagem.